5th Annual Meyers Outdoor Gear Swap
at The Westgate Center Parking lot adjacent to Divided Sky/Downtown Café
Sunday, October 13th, 2019 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Shoppers: Come stock up on gear!
Swappers: Bring quality summer or winter gear to sell. Skis, snowboards, bikes, paddle gear, climbing gear, camping equipment, and other outdoor toys wanted. Please no equipment over five years old.
Drop off sale items between 8:00am and 9:30 am
Unsold gear must be picked up between 2pm and 3pm
Unclaimed items will be considered donated
Outerwear welcome!
$1 per item plus 20% commission
Cash, Visa or Mastercard only
Net proceeds will be used to restore and improve the Meyers Holiday Tree! For more information visit meyerscommunityfoundation.org and Facebook.com/Meyers Community, or call Brian Levy (530) 545-9941or Rene Brejc (530) 545-0340. Cash, Visa, or Mastercard only.