Your donations at work!

The Meyers Community Foundation is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to improving life in Meyers, California through its support and promotion of creative and sustainable local projects and community-enhancing events. Community projects that we have supported to date are outlined below.


Beacon Basin (2017)

The Lake Valley Fire Protection District received an award of $2500 toward its Beacon Basin avalanche transceiver training park, designed for backcountry enthusiasts to practice simulated avalanche searches in Meyers.

Meyers Climbing Route Development (2016)

A grant of $2000 was awarded to Todd Offenbacher to offset hardware costs for creation of approximately 40 family-friendly climbing routes in and around Meyers.

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Lake Baron Fish Fund (2016)

Tahoe Paradise Resort Improvement District (TPRID) received $1000 toward the Lake Baron Fish Fund to encourage family recreation at Tahoe Paradise Park.

We'd like to support your ideas for Meyers.


Your tax deductible donations go to support community-based projects in Meyers like the Holiday Tree Lighting, the OMG Fun Run, the Lake Baron Fish Fund, the Beacon Basin and more.